architecture - engineering - construction

About Bricsys Inc.


Bricsys Inc.

45 Hanna Circle
City, state:
Merrimack, NH
Postal code:
03054 show map
United States

Bricsys is active in 70 countries and has a worldwide network of partners who contribute in sales and support. Bricsys products are available in all the main languages. Today, Bricsys has over 50,000 customers, has grown each year by 35% during the last four years, and has always been profitable.

The strengths of Bricsys lie in our development capacity and its ability to translate the customer wishlists into reliable and user-friendly software.

Besides its technological strength, Bricsys also delivers high quality support to every user, every day, and everywhere. The Bricsys customers are leaders in their field and require a zero tolerance support. Bricsys is proud of these achievements and encourages all its customers to communicate directly with its support and development team.

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Products from Bricsys Inc.

Products from Bricsys Inc.
Product Description Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
BricsCad IntelliCAD is the smart choice for architects, engineers, designers - virtually any professional who creates or uses CAD drawings. BricsCad IntelliCAD provides unrivaled compatibility with Autodesk AutoCAD and is fully programmable with... Brochures     URL
The advanced architectural modeling software for AutoCAD and IntelliCAD, BricsCad Architecturals allows you to take advantage of advanced 3D modeling in your 2D environment. It's easy to quickly create complex 3D buildings and structures - just add... Brochures     URL
With BricsCad Structural Frames - an integrated structural analysis tool - architects and engineers can rapidly create and edit 2D and 3D frame structures, apply boundary conditions and specify load conditions. The analysis results are shown... Brochures     URL

(00103) Computer-Aided Design & Engineering

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