Peerless Industries Inc.  

Video Mounting Specifications. CSI 3-Part Specifications.

General Specifications


The product described herein is a mechanical mounting bracket designed to support a television or video monitor. This bracket may be installed by mounting it to the wall, hanging it from the ceiling, or bolting it to the floor (in the case of the pedestal stands). Mounting brackets are produced by Peerless Industries, Inc. in a variety of styles and sizes. The specific model number of the bracket should be selected only after it is known which model/size TV/monitor will be installed.

The mounting bracket used shall be supplied with a warranty against defects in workmanship and materials for at least five years.

The TV/monitor bracket shall be of sufficient strength to support the weight of the TV/monitor for which it is designed, with an adequate safety factor. It shall be installed with a wall or ceiling attachment device capable of supporting the weight of the TV/monitor, the bracket itself, and a VCR, if one is to be added later. The TV/monitor bracket shall offer swivel capability and, where required, either fixed or adjustable tilt so that the viewing angle of the screen may be adjusted by the end user. In the case of Jumbo Mounts, which surround the TV/monitor, the bracket shall be adjustable in both height and width to ensure proper fit.

Construction of the bracket shall be of heavy gauge steel with MIG welds, finished in scratch-resistant matte fused epoxy finish.

TV/monitor mount shall be installed where indicated on the plans. All fasteners and components for assembly of the bracket shall be furnished by the manufacturer. Fasteners for affixing the bracket to the wall or ceiling shall be furnished by the manufacturer. (Specify construction type to order appropriate fasteners).

The TV bracket shall be a Peerless model ___ or equivalent and shall be installed where indicated on the plans to support a ___ inc

Printed in USA �1997 Peerless Industries, Inc.

Peerless Industries, Inc.  Tel.:   1.800.865.2112  Fax:  1.800.359.6500