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Solution for clogged weep holes in masonry cavity construction

  Subscribe to FREE newsletter  Oct 03, 2008

MortarNet® is the leading mortar dropping collection product providing the solution for clogged weep holes in masonry cavity construction.

MortarNet® ensures masonry walls breathe, drain and dry quickly and efficiently.

MortarNet® eliminates weep hole blockage from mortar droppings and ensures water that enters the wall will be directed to the weep holes. MortarNet® is placed on top of the flashing inside the wall cavity where it catches and permanently suspends mortar droppings above the level of the weep holes. Its patented dovetail shape prevents mortar from forming a continuous dam and its shape, in combination with its 90 percent open mesh weave, allows water to rapidly and easily move through the material of the product to the weeps.

It also allows for proper air movement in and out of the cavity. This eliminates pressure differentials that force moisture into the cavity, thus promoting rapid drying of the wall.

Mortar Net's® efficient management of moisture migration eliminates efflorescence on interior and exterior masonry walls, prevents damage caused by freeze-thaw cycles and is the first step in preventing conditions that allow mold growth.

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