About Bold Hardware Co.

Bold Hardware Co.
4200 82nd St.
Suite J City, state:
Sacramento, CA
Postal code:
United States
(888) 300-8020
(916) 454-2160 Fax:
(916) 720-0174
DrawerSlides.com, a division of Bold Hardware Co., has grown to become the indispensable resource for a wide range of drawer slides for cabinet makers, industrial manufacturers and do-it-yourselfers throughout North America. DrawerSlides.com offers the widest selection of drawer slides from every major brand including Blum, Accuride, Knape & Vogt, Fulterer, Hettich and others. In addition to our vast selection of branded drawer slides our parent, Bold Hardware Co., designs, engineers, manufacturers and distributes our own branded line of precision quality drawer slides. Because we are the direct distributor of our product lines we're able to pass tremendous savings on to our customers. We are directly responsible for the satisfaction of our customers and it shows through in our superior quality products and responsiveness to our customer's requests.
Our customers love dealing directly with the manufacturer and appreciate the prompt response and one-on-one service they can't find through a distributor.
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