About Elegant Aluminum Products, Inc.

Elegant Aluminum Products, Inc.
16965 Masonic Blvd.
City, state:
Fraser, MI
Postal code:
United States
(800) 546-3362
(586) 293-1020 Fax:
(586) 293-1070
Our rail and fence products range from residential to heavy-duty commercial grade. Our products use a strong mechanical system with snap-lock covers to conceal the fasteners. With Elegant maintaining our own installation crews, we stay in touch with the latest specifications and installation techniques.
Elegant also offers a variety of colors and finishes. Colors include Black, White, Quaker Bronze, Beige, and Green. Our finishes range from Anodized, Duranar, Mill Finish, to the most popular Baked Enamel.
For our railing customers, we fabricate porch rails and columns for awnings. Our commercial grade railing is applied from residential decks to certified high-rise construction. THE ELEGANT RAIL will meet all B.O.C.A. and U.B.C. building codes.
Elegant will ship any size order anywhere in the U.S. (call for information outside of the U.S.)
The Elegant difference:
Our owners stay active in daily operations. By doing this, Elegant can be flexible enough for smaller projects but still handle the demand of the large jobs. Elegant will meet the architect's needs and help to develop custom design & installation procedures, keeping us very competitive in this industry.
Our field trained reps work together with structural engineers to keep us competitive and current with proper specifications and codes.
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